Exclusively in the Youth Space for a few hours, come see this
symbolic object that has crossed the entire country
In the Colisee, Gen Verde opens the show with a colourful
presentation, followed by mass.
Prayer, catechesis, witness, mass in the Colisee with thousands of
Liturgy of preparation to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Provided to pilgrims onsite
The Youth Space is open to all. A warm welcome, music and short
films on a giant screen contribute to the liveliness of the pavilion.
Panels and workshops in linguistic groups to deepen our
understanding of the theme. The adoration sites are also open to
Filmed live, our hosts welcome each day a selection of guests to
share their experience and witness.
An intimate setting to meet various guests: cardinals, lay persons,
brothers and sisters. A glimpse of the diversity of our Church.
Onsite and throughout the city: conferences, shows, music, theatre, prayer,
THE encounter of the week for young pilgrims. Musical jam, dances, disco… and a
chance to meet others!
Two consecutive plays in the Youth Space. Another way of experiencing the Eucharist.
The parishes of Quebec welcome the world for prayer and a meal.
With pilgrims and Catholics of the region of Quebec, let us bring Christ to the streets
of the city.
Registered pilgrims attend the plenary sessions in the Colisee. For those who do not
have this opportunity, come experience the Eucharistic Congress. In the Youth Space:
prayer, catechesis and witness.
A glimpse into the world of Catholic music. Come celebrate your faith through music
in this all-out and dynamic evening!
To be confirmed. By invitation only.
Activities and interactive teachings, Sharing and reflection, Music, Evening of celebration.
Interactive teachings, Sharing and reflection within families, Eucharistic celebration, Music and games.
Great gathering of 4,000 young adults in the Pavillon de la jeunesse in the presence of many Cardinals and Bishops. Come all to this Universal Church gathering. Passes will be available in the Youth Space during the Congress.
We will welcome the Ark of the New Covenant which will have just completed its final pilgrimage.
(with simultaneous translation).
Led by various groups in the three official languages of the Congress (French, English and Spanish).
Office of the Resurrection, Music, Time of silent prayer, Mass of the STATIO ORBIS: the Universal Church gathers to celebrate the Eucharist, Music.