In preparation for the 49th International Eucharistic Congress that will take place in Quebec City June 15−22, 2008, the Ark of the New Covenant is making a pilgrimage. It will travel through 10 dioceses and numerous parishes, stopping at 5 national shrines.
The Ark of the New Covenant, carried by a team of 12 “bearers,” will cover more than 1000 km on foot over 64 days. For logistical and security reasons, a motorcade will escort the pilgrims.
Drivers are needed for the motorcade between March 19 and April 30, 2008. You are invited to submit your name by contacting Annie-Claude Comtois at 418-688-1211, extension 259.
See the itinerary of the Ark of the New Covenant and Read the Bearers’ blog, updated daily.